Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Hello there. It's been a while!

I feel like I should start by finishing my pie story. I didn't place. Sad, I know. But, I did get a nifty little score card in the mail that tells me how many points I go in each category! It was fun - kinda like a report card. I am officially a B+ pie maker (89% thank you very much) which I count as success for my first year. I can't seem to find that little card to break it down any more, but I do remember my highest points were in the crust, for which I got a 14/15 for flavor. I was pretty proud of that. My lowest were in apple flavor and texture. Boo.

Anyway, thanks to my sister and mom I have all sorts of new pie tools that will help with next (this) year's project. For the record, I think my favorite apple (for baking) is the Granny Smith. The Zester was good in theory, but just lacked the density. Or something.

Contrary to how my life seems on this little bloggy blog, I actually have been up to more than just pie making. Thank goodness. Let's see: my sister had twins babies! I became certified as a Pediatric Nurse! I moved into a new apartment (that is beautiful and spacious and not freezing and has no mice)! I went to Jamaica and worked in a Children's hospital for a week! I survived the worst winter in the whole entire world. Trust me, it's no small task.

Plans for this spring:

I want to buy a bike. Soon.
The rest is TBD