Tuesday, January 13, 2009

restless mornings

the hospital is quiet... finally... just waiting for things to get stirred up again come 7:00. this morning i got home from work overtired. emotionally, physically... getting into bed, putting in my ear plugs and covering my eyes with my cloud covered eye mask didn't seem to do the trick like other mornings. even a benadryl didn't seem to weaken the sprinter that apparently took over my body. my legs wanted to run, my eyes apparently wanted to cry, and my brain just wouldn't take a break. it was in the midst of this incredible restlessness that i decided i am tired of making decisions. seriously, it's been constant for the last 6 months. about work and life and friends.... about who i vote for, about boys, about health insurance and retirement and money and everything... seriously, universe, please don't ask me my opinion. as of today, i don't have one. as of today i am on a decision vacation. hopefully to be followed by an actual vacation because as we all know, decision vacations are a completely ridiculous idea.

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