Sunday, September 27, 2009

uncountable blessings.

This weekend has been full of good things. Unfortunately, for most of it I was not in a very "receiving" sort of mood. As I look back, though, I see so much evidence of a happy life.

I made a list yesterday... and it went on. And on. And on. I have been given so much! Who am I to grumble at the little things I feel I am missing? Discontentment costs so much - time & energy, mostly - and I do not want to miss out on enjoying all the beautiful things God has given me!

So, today, I enjoyed my life. True, some of it has to be from a distance (ehem, TN... WI... CT... NY... China...). But, there was much comfort in knowing it was out there.

In celebration, I am making a pot of chicken wild rice soup and sharing it with friends. Cheers. To a very good life.

1 comment:

Ariel said...

yay! Good for you. You are a blessing in my life. I love you.