Saturday, January 2, 2010

twenty five in twenty ten. has a nice ring to it, don't you think?

I have no idea what I should (want to) do with this year. I am tempted to make a resolution... my way of saying, "I have control!! I'm going to rock this year (instead of it rocking me... again)". Hm, not sure if that's actually how it works. But, how can decide to "roll with the tide" without sounding a bit apathetic about my life?

I am in a better place (whatever that means) this Jan 2 than I was last. Significantly better. There are reasons for this - mainly good decisions and a lot of love and support from my people. But, also I think a lot of this happiness has been sustained through a focus on my reaction to life rather than getting so distracted by the desire to control it. Because, as it turns out, control is quite impossible. And incredibly agonizing.

I am looking forward to discovering a new year... I have no idea what it holds, which is really exciting! Mostly because I know that I will be in good company, and that is all I need.

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