Monday, December 29, 2008

Feeling feverish

If there was a recipe for winter restlessness, the past week would have provided all the right ingredients. Bitter cold air, sunshine-free skies, stale apartment air that cannot be remedied without opening a window (which also happen to be frozen shut), road conditions that lead to an unexpected trip into the ditch that took 3 days to remedy, and the grand finale, the stomach flu. Now some of these ingredients just lead to an overall disassociated feeling, while others actually lead to disassociation. It is these factors (or ingredients, rather) that leave the most bitter taste in your mouth, often leading to a most uncomfortable - and unfriendly - mood.

In the midst of this "I can't get anything right!" feeling, however, there are times when you get a refreshing dose of sweet summer. Whether it be over Swedish tea ring on Christmas morning, or during a heart-to-heart with a most favorite sister. No matter how short these times may be, they begin to melt that frozen tundra in your perspective. The trick is not letting your attitude turn into black ice when you suddenly find your lungs getting smaller as they fill with frozen air. Today, I found, bowling (!!!) was the key. Tomorrow? I'm not sure. But, because of today, I'm hopeful there will be something.

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