Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Things I learned today...

1.) Turns out, despite the mission of motivational speakers everywhere (and apparently the "motivational bumbersticker" I saw on my way home), "giving of yourself"/compassion/whatever does have a limit. Hopefully though, we all reach our limits at different times so we can cover for each other when someone feels spent.

2.) That I have maybe entered into my nurse-hood officially. Even though I felt sick and puke-y all day and my patients actually were puking all day, I was able to hold it together. Didn't even gag when all I had to catch "it" with was a towel and my hands. Yep, I have arrived.

3.) That I am blessed by the people around me. Specifically, but certainly not limited to, those who bring me Panera soup on nights when my nose is stuffed and I have to breath through my mouth and I probably have bad breath and I am probably contagious.


Unknown said...

If you're contagious, I wouldn't mind catching it...I'm so corny.


ashlee.rn said...

you left me a comment?! i'm in shock. (and you can't SAY that your corny. totally cancels out the corniness)

Ben said...

Bless you, child...my goodness.