Sunday, March 1, 2009


I was able to secure a(nother) trip to TN this week and spend time with Ariel and Henrik!! We played, cooked, went on walks, and just generally enjoyed each others company... face to face!!! Boy do I love them.... (oh, and funny how I came away with zero pics of Ariel and I! Whoops!)

You can't see them, but he's sportin' the new shoes Auntie Ashlee brought for him!

There they are! So cute!!

Bath time! I can't remember if this is before or after he "shot" himself in the face :-)

Henrik, the cherub

What kind of auntie would I be if I didn't give a few face smooshing kisses every once in a while?!

Play time!

Outfit #47 (he goes through more clothes in one day than me!)

What a sweet boy!

Where are my sweet potatoes?!

I so wish I could see this new little family more often, but I am incredibly thankful for the opportunities I have to visit them. I hope I can make it down there again soon!


Anonymous said...

love these pictures, he is such a doll. :) i'm glad you had a fun trip!

Laura. said...

he looks so surprised in the first picture! these are great, it's good you are documenting his growth.