Thursday, March 19, 2009

Well, I am sitting in sweet, predictable MN. After a week in WI and then nearly 5 days in Cabo, I have to admit that a small part of me is happy to be sitting in the familiarity of my living room. Yes, I do wish there was an ocean a mere steps from my couch and a $1 Corona in my hand, but I guess you can't have it all, all the time. I was going through the stages of grief today as we were on our way out, nearly begging God to "just give me one more day" in our lovely resort with beautiful food, warm sun and a beach full of luscious men, but I guess He has other plans for my Friday. It appears that they include:

- doing my taxes
- laundry
- groceries/dinner
- cleaning room/bathroom

Oh I can hardly stand all the fun.

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