Monday, August 4, 2008

i haven't posted in a while.

mostly because nothing much is happening.

things i thought about today:

1.) my nephew (and how it appears that my hospital and the airlines are going to make it nearly impossible to see him... ever)
2.) how really good i am at patient education
3.) things are so happy when i have a routine
4.) i like almost anything with birds on it
5.) next time, i will think twice before making curry in a closed up apt

i'm having some fellow new-grad residents over on saturday to make pickles. can't wait. if you have any pickle making advice, please pass it on. we are all very new at this.


mamasflyin said...

Dill or Sweet? Have your windows open - vinegar smells bad when boiled. Mom

mamasflyin said...

How did pickle making go? We are all waiting for an update. Love, Mom